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BPD Resources

Find self help content, get support or search for treatment – whether you’re a loved one or a person with borderline personality disorder.

An extensive list of BPD Resources.

Help is out there. Don’t lose hope.

These BPD resources are for warriors and loved ones. Whether you’re looking for free or low cost treatment for BPD, support groups, BPD coaching, books about BPD or recovery content creatorsβ€”we hope this page will have what you need.

end the stigma

BPD is Treatable

In the US, surveys have estimated that 2.7% of the adult population meet criteria for borderline personality disorder. [x]

at least 50%

of patients recover after 2 years of treatment [x]

at least 80%

of patients recover after 10 years of treatment [x]


of patients remain in recovery after treatment [x]

BPD Content Creators

Them vs. Her

Jade Stanton

sarah rose bpd beautiful them vs. her audrey harper

Sarah Rose

Adrianna Rangel

Mental Stillness

Kelly South

bpd content creator

BPD with BEE

BPD Resources: Treatment & Support Groups

For Those with BPD: 
Find a DBT Therapist | Find Free or Low Cost Care | Virtual EMDR | Online-Therapy | Private Facebook Group | BPD Support Groups | BPD Men’s Support Group | DBT Bites | DBT Self-Help | BPD Coaching | Courses for Highly Sensitive People

For Loved Ones:
Family Connections Program | BPD Demystified | BPD Coaching

BPD Resources: Printable Worksheets

Self-Love Workbook

bpd resources

The ultimate BPD resource. Get to know yourself, define your self-care goals, complete the self-care challenge and more with this digital workbook that’s jam packed with information helpful for anyone struggling with identity issues or shame due to borderline personality disorder.

  • 103 pages of self-care and self-love information
  • Tons of self-care tips split into different categories
  • Assessments for each type of self-care to help evaluate your needs
  • Self-Love exercises to get you into actively loving on yourself
  • The difference between self-love and self-care
  • Physical, emotional, social, practical, personal and spiritual self-care ideas
  • A worksheet to help you revamp your daily routine
  • The self-care pyramid to help you organize your daily needs
  • Learn who you really are and what you like and how to be your true self
  • Common self-love barriers and how they may be affecting you
  • Examining your character flaws and loving yourself anyway
  • Daily self-care journaling prompts

Mental Health Workbook

bpd resources bpd worksheets pdf

This 48 page add on to the Self-Love WorkBook will help you focus on your self-care & mental health. It includes a crisis plan worksheet, self-care ideas and a monthly check-in page to help you track your mood and document your struggles, feelings, and mental health goals.


Trigger Journal

bpd resources how to self-manage borderline personality disorder,  Borderline personality disorder self help worksheets

The information and prompts in this 32 page journal will help you gain a better understanding of your triggers and how they fit into the big picture of your life and your relationships. It’s a great BPD resource for those who want to do their own work outside of therapy. Full color or black & white versions are both available with your purchase.


Anger Workbook

bpd resources bpd worksheets pdf, Therapy activities for borderline personality disorder, BPD exercises, how to self-manage borderline personality disorder,  Borderline personality disorder self help worksheets,

Explore and work through your anger with this 29 page digital workbook. With your purchase, you’ll be able to download the workbook in full color or black & white.


Shame Spiral Workbook

bpd resources, bpd worksheets pdf, Therapy activities for borderline personality disorder, BPD exercises, how to self-manage borderline personality disorder,  Borderline personality disorder self help worksheets

Another helpful BPD resource β€” this 19 page digital workbook may help decrease a tendency to spiral into shame. Learn how to recognize your triggers, understand the anatomy of a β€œshame spiral” and learn practical tips to stop shame in its tracks.


Anxiety Scale Workbook

bpd resources bpd worksheets pdf, Therapy activities for borderline personality disorder, BPD exercises, how to self-manage borderline personality disorder,  Borderline personality disorder self help worksheets

When we can define how we feel and why we’re feeling it – we can come up with a plan to manage those feelings. This 11 page workbook helps you do just that. 


Black + White Thinking Workbook

bpd resources bpd worksheets pdf, Therapy activities for borderline personality disorder, BPD exercises, how to self-manage borderline personality disorder,  Borderline personality disorder self help worksheets

This 14 page digital workbook is an amazing BPD resource that will help you change the thought patterns behind black & white, or all-or-nothing, thinking.

BPD Resources: Books & Journals
BPD Resources: Mindfulness Exercises


What’s in the works.

BPD Beautiful’s Sarah Rose will soon release her debut novel Sadie’s Favorite – loosely inspired by her own struggle with borderline personality disorder. Read the synopsis & first 6 chapters here.

bpd resources

Borderline Stories

Read the stories of people in remission from or living with BPD. You can also submit your own story to inspire or educate others. Remember: you are not alone.

Treatment was incredibly hard, but it was so worth it. Having a favorite person, daily mood swings & triggers are a thing of my past. I feel fulfilled and secure in my identity. Emotions don’t control me or my day. They just…are. Reading back on my old posts, the difference in my mental state is shocking.

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Sarah Rose

Remission after 3+ years

It was the hardest thing I have ever done but I am not emotionally and physically drained every day. My relationships are no longer dysfunctional. I see things for what they are, not what they could be or what I wish they were. This allows me to be present in the what is versus the what if’s.

Kelly South

Remission after 3+ years

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