Top 30 Q+A’s To Help Loved Ones Understand BPD
Answers to the Top 30 questions searched online that can help a loved one, friend, mentor or coworker better understand BPD.
How to Make Plans Without Triggering Your Partner with BPD
A Common BPD Trigger Seen in BPD Relationships If you’re new here, I’m Sarah: a mom, wife and blogger formerly diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. My goal for this blog is to help raise BPD awareness, dispel common BPD myths and help other people with BPD and their BPD relationships. This post touches on a […]
Saying No to Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder
Saying no to someone with borderline personality disorder can be tricky. Enforcing boundaries can result in unpredictable reactions or “BPD episodes.” If you love someone with borderline personality disorder or have a spouse with BPD, you may regularly walk on eggshells and not know when you’ll see a glimpse of BPD’s rage or feel the […]