Interested in being a guest contributor for BPD Beautiful? Submit your blog posts below for a chance to be featured. We accept written content that will resonate with those who live with borderline personality disorder (or EUPD) or their loved ones.

Guest Contributor Guidelines
Submissions can be made anonymously or with a guest contributor byline along with a link to your website, social media or blog.
Your post can be written for the following demographics:
- for those with borderline personality disorder (how to cope with anger, how to use radical acceptance in your everyday life, etc.)
- for loved ones of people with BPD (how to support your spouse’s BPD recovery, how to validate your friend with BPD’s feelings, etc).
- for a more general population, as long as the post is relevant to wellness or healthy relationships and could otherwise be valuable to either of the above mentioned demographics (the ultimate guide to cutting off toxic friends, how to get over indecisiveness and make a solid decision, etc).
Having a BPD diagnosis is not a requirement in order to be a guest contributor. However, your submission must not invalidate another person’s experience with borderline personality disorder or a loved one’s experience. Generalizations, assumptions or overly harsh judgements of those with BPD or their loved ones are not allowed.
Your post must be over 1200 words. This is for SEO purposes.
Affiliate links are no longer allowed in the body of guest posts. If you’re looking to sponsor a guest post, please visit the advertising page.
Your post does not need to be an exclusive to be used as a guest post on BPD Beautiful. It can be previously published elsewhere, but your submission must include the full post in order to be chosen (no excerpts with link backs).
BPD Beautiful reserves the right to edit, modify or format any guest contributor’s post or post title in order to fit our website and brand aesthetic as well as to follow post & brand guidelines. New post graphics and images will be created for all submitted and accepted posts to maintain brand consistency.
The use of ranking keywords in your post is highly recommended for SEO purposes. We do have a returning follower base but using keywords in your post will help make it reach a broader audience.
Guest Contributor Topics
Emotional Wellness
Living with BPD
Self Care Sunday
Love Life
Family Life
Dealing with BPD
Other Relationships
Flashback Friday
Product Reviews
Top 5 Picks
Get Started
#1 – Email the following:
- Author Name
- Author Byline
- Author Photo
- Website / Social Link
- Post Title
- Link to Post
#2 – If you want to be published anonymously, just put ‘Anonymous’ in the Author Name section. Author Byline, Author Photo and Website / Social Link are also optional.
#3 – If approved: we will email you a rough estimate for when your post will be published. Please allow up to 10 business days for us to get back to you before following up.